German A1 Level

German A1 Level

Why learn German? 1. Get Admission at top quality German universities.2. German is Easy for English Speakers to…

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German A2 Level

German A2 Level

This level is for those who want to learn German to communicate with others. In this level able…

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German B1 Level

German B1 Level

This level denotes intermediate skill set. In this level able to write letter, Blog, passages for official purpose…

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German A1 Level

Why learn German? 1. Get Admission at top quality German universities.2. German is Easy for English Speakers to…

German Language – Summer Camp

German Language Basic Course for Beginners Summer is an excellent time to keep language skills fresh or to…

German A2 Level

This level is for those who want to learn German to communicate with others. In this level able…


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German A1 Level

Why learn German?

1. Get Admission at top quality German universities.
2. German is Easy for English Speakers to Learn.
3. Do higher education (No tuition fees at public universities in Germany).
4. Great job opportunities with Deutsch fluency in Germany or DACH Countries.
5. Work as German Trainer or Interpreters (high demand for German translators)

Material :  Netzwerk A1 (Deutsch als Fremdsprache)

Kapital 1:  Guten Tag!(Good Day)

Greetings – How to Greet each other, Introducing – Introduce myself and ourself. Alphabet phonic sounds and Numbers name and sound.

Kapital 2:  Freunde, kollegen und ich (Iam with Friends, colleague)

My hobby’s and my friends hobby’s. what we do together. Informal meeting planning to go to theater, Swimming pool, Restaurant, Museum, Cafe, Football stadium.  Profession, Seasons, Weekdays and Months.

Kapital 3: In der Stadt (In the city)

Exploring the city – Naming places and buildings. How to raise question to know about direction and route to reach particular spot.

Kapital 4Guten Appetit! (Enjoy your meal)

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. What type of food we eat per meal, Where do we buy provisions/groceries, How to purchase items from Supermarkt. Invite your friends for the party.

Kapital 5:  Tag fur Tag  (Day after Day – Daily activity)

Working day or weekend. What are all the activity you do. How to identify, find and say timings or clock. Informal meeting with friends. How to write a letter to your friends. How to reply for the letter with modal verben.  How to fix an appointment with doctor.

Kapital 6:  Zeit mit Freunden (Time with friends)

Spending time with your friends, visiting different places to do free time activity.  What would you like to gift your friends for their birthday. writing an email to friends with Trennbare verben. In Restaurant, How to communicate with bearer or waiter to order food and paying bill.

Kapital 7:  Kontakte (Contacting each other)

Spending time with your friends, contacting each other. Communicating among yourself. writing an email to all the friends for meeting at particular spot.  In Restaurant,  Museum, Foosball/Basketball stadion, Film sehen etc.,

Kapital 8: Meine wohnung ( My House)

What are all the rooms available. What is the name of the rooms, type of electronics and furniture’s used at each rooms. How to find rental house at Germany. How to communicate with house owner by seeing the rental advertisement. writing an email to friends and relatives by inviting all for the house warming ceremony.


Kapital 9:  Alles Arbeit ( Everyone working with passion)

Working to earn money, working is my hobby, All day need to work , working is stressful, I am a student my job is to study, my job is interesting and funfull

Kapital 10:  Kleidung und mode ( Dress and fashion)

What is the name of the dress, What type of dress when and where to wear it( at office/school/collage ,at house, at sports, to go out party etc.,) Type of shops, method of purchasing(in internet/shop/shopping mall/catalogue)

Kapital 11:  Gesund und munter ( Healthy and Tasty)

How to live healthy, What one has to do to live healthy life, What is healthy and unhealthy food, How to be fit by doing exercise/jogging/walking/sports. Parts of the body. If accident happened, how to approach doctor to get treated. How to do conversation with doctor, Healthiness and profession.

Kapital 12:  Ab in den Urlaub ( Vacation and Holidays trip)

How many type of vacation spots, Where to go for vacation, What are all the necessary things to be packed in. How to write an email to your friend about the holidays trip and experience you gained through that. Learning many blogs about their experience on vacation. Problem facing in hotel, how to complaint it and its experience.


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    German A2 Level

    This level is for those who want to learn German to communicate with others. In this level able to write a letter for official purpose also can speak better with reasoning.

    For Collage student and working people. Those would like to apply for higher education also to work at Europe Nation. In this level person can speak about particular topic, writing an email both in formal and informal method.

    Understand simple expressions and phrases on topics that is directly related to the person in question and his/her habits, life, routine, likes/dislikes

    Ability to speak clearly and concisely about situations that involves direct or indirect exchange of information on simple topics

    Ability to describe about people, work, immediate environment, education and other topics related to personal needs in a concise manner

    Understanding of matters that are familiar and are encountered regularly like instances at school, work, at public places, places of leisure etc., when spoken clearly in a standard way

    Material :  Netzwerk A2 (Deutsch als Fremdsprache)

    Kapital 1:  Guten Tag!(Good Day)

    Greetings – How to Greet each other, Introducing – Introduce myself and ourself. Alphabet phonic sounds and Numbers name and sound.

    Kapital 2:  Freunde, kollegen und ich (Iam with Friends, colleague)

    My hobbys and my friends hobbys. what we do together. Informal meeting planning to go to theatre, Swimming pool, Restaurant, Museum, Cafe, Football stadium.  Profession, Seassons, Weekdays and Months.

    Kapital 3: In der Stadt (In the city)

    Exploring the city – Naming places and buildings. How to raise question to know about direction and route to reach particular spot.

    Kapital 4:  Guten Appetit! (Enjoy your meal)

    Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. What type of food we eat per meal, Where do we buy provisions/groceries, How to purchase items from Supermarkt. Invite your friends for the party.

    Kapital 5:  Tag fur Tag  (Day after Day – Daily activity)

    Working day or weekend. What are all the activity you do. How to identify, find and say timings or clock. Informal meeting with friends. How to write a letter to your friends. How to reply for the letter with modal verben.  How to fix an appointment with doctor.

    Kapital 6:  Zeit mit Freunden (Time with friends)

    Spending time with your friends, visiting different places to do free time activity.  What would you like to gift your friends for their birthday. writing an email to friends with Trennbare verben. In Restaurant, How to communicate with bearer or waiter to order food and paying bill.

    Kapital 7: Contakte Informationen ( Our contact Information)

    Kapital 8: Meine wohnung ( My House)

    Kapital 9:  Alles Arbeit ( Everyone working with passion)

    Working to earn money, working is my hobby, All day need to work , working is stressful, I am a student my job is to study, my job is interesting and funfull

    Kapital 10:  Kleidung und mode ( Dress and fashion)

    What is the name of the dress, What type of dress when and where to wear it( at office/school/collage ,at house, at sports, to go out party etc.,) Type of shops, method of purchasing(in internet/shop/shopping mall/catalogue)

    Kapital 11:  Gesund und munter ( Healthy and Tasty)

    How to live healthy, What one has to do to live healthy life, What is healthy and unhealthy food, How to be fit by doing exercise/jogging/walking/sports. Parts of the body. If accident happened, how to approach doctor to get treated. How to do conversation with doctor, Healthiness and profession.

    Kapital 12:  Ab in den Urlaub ( Vaccation and Holidays trip)

    How many type of vacation spots, Where to go for vacation, What are all the necessary things to be packed in. How to write an email to your friend about the holidays trip and experience you gained through that. Learning many blogs about their experience on vacation. Problem facing in hotel, how to complaint it and its experience.

    German B1 Level

    This level denotes intermediate skill set. In this level able to write letter, Blog, passages for official purpose also can speak well and fluently with reasoning.

    In the B1 German courses, you will understand the main points of the conversation if the speaker uses a clear-cut language, concerning familiar topics such as work, school, leisure, etc. You can handle most situations, e.g. encountered when traveling within the language area. You can express yourself simply and coherently about familiar topics and personal areas of interest. You can talk about experiences and events, describe dreams and goals in life, and give brief explanations about plans and opinions.

    Ability to recall, narrate and describe dreams, aspirations, events in the past, present or future, hopes, ambitions etc., orally and in writing

    Expressing personal feelings with explanation about cause, reason, consequence etc.,

    Expressing orally and in writing about opinion, beliefs and suggestions about simple matters related to personal likes/dislikes as well as some controversial issues related to pollution, people/culture, education, unemployment, governments/politics

    Material :  Netzwerk B1 (Deutsch als Fremdsprache)

    Kapital 1:  Guten Tag!(Good Day)

    Greetings – How to Greet each other, Introducing – Introduce myself and ourself. Alphabet phonic sounds and Numbers name and sound.

    Kapital 2:  Freunde, kollegen und ich (Iam with Friends, colleague)

    My hobbys and my friends hobbys. what we do together. Informal meeting planning to go to theatre, Swimming pool, Restaurant, Museum, Cafe, Football stadium.  Profession, Seassons, Weekdays and Months.

    Kapital 3: In der Stadt (In the city)

    Exploring the city – Naming places and buildings. How to raise question to know about direction and route to reach particular spot.

    Kapital 4:  Guten Appetit! (Enjoy your meal)

    Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. What type of food we eat per meal, Where do we buy provisions/groceries, How to purchase items from Supermarkt. Invite your friends for the party.

    Kapital 5:  Tag fur Tag  (Day after Day – Daily activity)

    Working day or weekend. What are all the activity you do. How to identify, find and say timings or clock. Informal meeting with friends. How to write a letter to your friends. How to reply for the letter with modal verben.  How to fix an appointment with doctor.

    Kapital 6:  Zeit mit Freunden (Time with friends)

    Spending time with your friends, visiting different places to do free time activity.  What would you like to gift your friends for their birthday. writing an email to friends with Trennbare verben. In Restaurant, How to communicate with bearer or waiter to order food and paying bill.

    Kapital 7:  Kontakte (Contacting each other)

    Spending time with your friends, contacting each other. Communicating among yourself. writing an email to all the friends for meeting at particular spot.  In Restaurant,  Museum, Foosball/Basketball stadion, Film sehen etc.,

    Kapital 8: Meine wohnung ( My House)

    What are all the rooms available. What is the name of the rooms, type of electronics and furniture’s used at each rooms. How to find rental house at Germany. How to communicate with house owner by seeing the rental advertisement. writing an email to friends and relatives by inviting all for the house warming ceremony.

    Kapital 9:  Alles Arbeit ( Everyone working with passion)

    Working to earn money, working is my hobby, All day need to work , working is stressful, I am a student my job is to study, my job is interesting and funfull

    Kapital 10:  Kleidung und mode ( Dress and fashion)

    What is the name of the dress, What type of dress when and where to wear it( at office/school/collage ,at house, at sports, to go out party etc.,) Type of shops, method of purchasing(in internet/shop/shopping mall/catalogue)

    Kapital 11:  Gesund und munter ( Healthy and Tasty)

    How to live healthy, What one has to do to live healthy life, What is healthy and unhealthy food, How to be fit by doing exercise/jogging/walking/sports. Parts of the body. If accident happened, how to approach doctor to get treated. How to do conversation with doctor, Healthiness and profession.

    Kapital 12:  Ab in den Urlaub ( Vaccation and Holidays trip)

    How many type of vacation spots, Where to go for vacation, What are all the necessary things to be packed in. How to write an email to your friend about the holidays trip and experience you gained through that. Learning many blogs about their experience on vacation. Problem facing in hotel, how to complaint it and its experience.


    Our Main Courses

    German Language – Summer Camp 2000

    German Language Basic Course for Beginners Summer is an excellent time to keep language skills fresh or to…

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    German A1 Level 15000

    Why learn German? 1. Get Admission at top quality German universities.2. German is Easy for English Speakers to…

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    German A2 Level 15000

    This level is for those who want to learn German to communicate with others. In this level able…

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    Our Blogs

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    Gehen Sie gern  ins resturant?Ja Gern. Wann?Am MontagGehen Sie gern  ins museum?nein/nee, nicht gern Gehen Sie gern  ins…

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    Schwimmen Sie gern?Ja, gernOderNein, nicht gern Purpose of using Ja/nein frage – yes or no question To know…

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    Formal way Hallo Nina! Hallo Gregor! Wie geht’s es Ihnen (how it goes for you – to elder)…

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